About NutriX

Ending Micronutrient Deficiency Through Gene-Edited Crops

At NutriX, our vision is to create a stronger, healthier, and happier world by ending micronutrient deficiencies. Around the world, almost 1 in 3 people have micronutrient deficiencies. 92% of Americans are micronutrient deficient and it accounts for 20% of maternal mortalities and 45% of child deaths around the world. This is almost 8x more than cancer, yet no one is doing anything to stop it. Here at NutriX, we want to end this through gene editing major staple crops like rice, wheat, corn, potatoes, and sweet potatoes to have more nutrients. This will allow everyone to get the nutrients they need in the food they are already eating, contributing to healthier and stronger people.

  • Gene-Edited Crops To Have More Nutrients
  • Ending Nutrional Deficiencies Around The World
  • Helping You Live A Stronger and Healthier Life

Our Science

How Does NutriX Work?

At NutriX, we believe that everyone should have the access to these life-saving foods, but should also know the processes of what happens to their genes. Most people think that gene-editing is dangerous or scary, but it isn't! That's why we strive to inform everyone, including our customers, about how NutriX works.


Editing The Crops

The first step is to find the genes that we want to modify (cut, activate, inhibit, etc). We would then use CRISPR Prime to edit all the genes involved in the micronutrients.


CRISPR Prime is used as a search and replace genome editing technology. It writes new genetic information, then it uses parts of a Cas9 endonuclease and a pegRNA to target the site, then replace the targeted DNA nucleotides.

Nutrients & Water Use

Our genetically modified crops will be edited to contain the nutrients that most people lack, such as Vitamins C, D, & E, potassium, magnesium, and calcium. Our crops will also use 25% less water than normal crops, saving farmers over 100,000 USD a year.